Thursday, January 22, 2009

LOST REVIEW LostEp501, LostEp502

Lost review: For season 5 ep 1 and ep 2
I have come to accept the realization that I am officially a Lostaholic
Can't get enough LOST, can't say enough about LOST,
can't stop thinking about LOST.

A collection of tidbits for dedicated LOST fans.

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Text Format: use headings so you can more easily read the stuff you want.
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REVIEW: Ep.5-01 & Ep.5-02:
THEME>> I believe the theme was about TRUTH vs LIE.
ie Jack and Hurley struggling with the whole Oceanic 6 lie
ie: Jack lying to Ben about flushing his pills himself
ie: Ben becoming more likable and seemingly being TRUHTFUL or at least sincere as he is desperate to get all the 0ceanic 6 back to the island
ie: Hurley saying its all happening because they lied

COMMENT>> the reintroduction of old characters ANA LUCIA, Dr Marvin Candle (Dr Chang), Frogurt, and Ethan was nice to see, While the mood and character of the losties seems to be shifting as they get more desperate and confused.

COMMENT>> the mystery cinematic device of hiding the characters faces was a little overdone. Showing their faces would be no less interesting also.
ie: hiding Dr. Changs face, Daniels Face, Ms Hawking's face

NOTE>> Dr. Chang notes that the energy behind the wall can be harnessed to manipulate time as we know its already been harnessed via the original installation of the donkey wheel.

THEORY>> the ancient island inhabitants installed the wheel and there is a 'back door' to the chamber or they covered it up knowing safe to use as a last resort if necessary.

THEORY>> the island is floating like a magnetic iceberg ( with the magnetic energy in the island) over another magnet (the earth's core). The islands 'radius' as Daniel Faraday mentions must extend outward from the shore of the island to the edge/width of the 'iceberg' if you will. The ripples the island made the first time we saw it move ALSO suggests it floating -- like plucking an ice cube out of a bowl. If the island went down to the earth's

COMMENT>> Sun to Ben -- "[our common interest] to KILL benjamin Linus"
It seems a little unrealistic that Sun is so keen on KILLING BEN, other than maybe a cultural thing of avenging loved one's 'murder', it doesn't seem like Sun.

COMMENT>> IT KIILS ME THAT the sound production people can't resist inserting a ''shoosh-metal-on-metal' knife sound when Locke quietly removes his knife from its leather holster while hiding behind the plane before he's discovered by Richard.

COMMENT>> I still believe that the compass Richards Alpert gives to John Locke is his 'constant' in order to remember and trust John Locke in his own past. It seems he's always had some sort of compass - at least since when John Locke was a boy

KUDOS>> Josh Holloway 's performance especially when he showed his desparation by the back door of the hatch -and- when asked by Juliet why he jumped from the helicopter.

COMMENT>> Its funny how Charlotte and the other nose-bleeders never feel their own blood on their upper lip themselves.

JOKE>>FLAMING ARROWs seem unrealistic as they burn too bright and ling after they hit the ground. There must be some heavy duty chemicals on those suckers!

BAD JOKE>> SAWYERS toe with the piece of wood lodged in it looks worse than John Locke's bullet wound! I hope Richard Alpert puts some disinfectant on it too before his pedicure!

THEORY>> The army was there to protect dharma from the current island 'natives/inhabitants' while dharma built the stations, the compound and until the security wall was up and running.

THEORY>> I think we are being tricked into believing Ms Hawking to be Daniel Faraday's mother. The Ms instead of Mrs in front of her name is indication.

THEORY>> LOCKE IS NOT DEAD! He has simply been drugged with Artz's spider venom. The same venom poison that got Nikki and Paulo mistaken and left(or shall we say buried) for dead. This would relieve Darlton from having to explain Locke's death as permanent or the island miraculously 'reviving' him upon his return.

COMMENT>> Ben's Group of others in the real world-- seems to have an elaborate hierarchy for the others in their travel back and forth. There is an apparent chain of command where Jacob does not appear to be on the top. I'd like to have this further explained

COMMENT>>> Talk shoe needs to provide a way to capture text in the chat room as you see in in Talk Shoe Pro and be able to save it to a file -- lots a great stuff is missed in the chat room
COMMENT>> Talk shoe Pro client should include a spell checker.

Rose to Frogurt -- "HELP or BE QUIET" and ['you need a timeout']
Hurley to Sayid -- "It you ate more comfort food , maybe you wouldn't go around killing people"

in the season:
2-Black Rock Mythology
3-4 toed native islander Mythology: basically the Donkey wheel explained
4-Smoke Monster
5-see what Claire is doing

in the next episode:
6-find out how they bust Hurley out of police custody
THEORY>> although there could be a plot twit like something tells me the reall cops ther hit on the heads dragged into the bushes and those are actually Widmore's men
7-find out what happens to the whispers when the island kept shifting in time
8-see Jacob shifting in island time
9-see the damn temple
10-not to stay up too late after the show

NOTE>> The show EPISODE TRANSCRIPTS are downloadable from LOST PEDIA and make for some good reading before bedtime. The actor direction in the transcript notes sometmes offer hints to the scene / plot / or character development. The transcripts are usually available 24 hrs after the last airing.
To down load transcript files follow this url:

LINKS -find out more about LOST:
KUDOS>> to all the LOST podcasters in covering this long awaited event -- more coverage than the presidential inauguration.

GENERAL info about lost>>
LINK>> For all the LOST PODCASTS and show info to LPN (Lost Podcasting Network)

Thank to my wife who let me stay up in the chat rooms till 430 am then sleep in while she took our little one to school in the morning.
--love ya

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