Saturday, January 31, 2009

LOST Season 5 Episode: "Jughead"

The Episode overall...
provided a couple of WOWs and a confirmation while opening up a whole bunch 'o' cans of worms. At some point there are going to have to be no more new mysteries presented -- or at least ones that cannot be solved by a end-of-series LOST jigsaw puzzle!

Baby Charlie:
Penny's baby boy Charlie (WOW#1) is introduced and I'm guessing the the producers are going to lead us down the path of making him 'SPECIAL" just like his dad. After all he's got Desmond's DNA running through his blood.
By focussing on Penny and Desmond's relationship threatens the viewer that it might be on the decline by lieing and mistrusting each other. I'm getting a little tired of how many times is Desmond going to promise Penny that ''this will be the last time ....then after that [he'll] never leave her''. He's lucky that Penny is such an understanding person and in mad love with him. I'm an old romantic and would like to their relationship stand the 'test of time' (pun intended)


It was nice to see Charlotte and Dans relationship start to grow after he admits his undying love (sorry - couldn't resist) for her. Although I can't quite see why he doesn't explain her condition to her especially if she were going to possibly face death. I mean it would only be respectful to tell the person if they are going to die. Another point is that Dan took an additional 30 minute to get back to the beach. Sawyer had asked him why it took him so log and the audience is left with another curios un-explanation from Dan's flimsy reply. Could it have been a time shift? Did Dan have some other agenda?Or was Dan was constipated and looking for a roll of Dharma toilet paper.

Ellie the gun toting tough chick..

is barely is able to carry the rifle, let alone carry off her tough character even with her teeth-clenching, I;m still not convinced. SO the big questions raised here is: Is Ellie Mrs Widmore, Penny mom? was penny born on the island? is Penny special or just rich?

Charles Widmore is evil now and was evil then.
It was nice to see the introduction of Charles Widmore character as a young man (WOW#2). I think his character was set bang on! The fact that he was holding a gun to John Locke's head seems to beg for a reversal of this situation later on. How OLD is old?! The audience wants answers! While the LOST writers are still holdinh on thi this way of story telling whereby noy providing a full answer is becomeing more that just a little tiresome.

Locke said to Juliet: How did you know Richard would be here?
Juliet: Richard's always been here.
Locke: How old is he?

Juliet: Old. Why are you so interested in Richard, John?
Locke: I'm interested in him because he was about to tell me how I could save us.
Juliet: "Save us"?
Locke: Yeah. .....But before he could finish, we were interrupted by that flash of light.

Just answer the question Juliet -- with a number please! We discover it was Locke that sent Richard to visit him in the hospital. It was a nice reference and tie-in in the show. Now this also explains the visit by Richard to 'test' Locke as a boy. Jacob may be involved in wanting to test John Locke as a boy.

Where does time start?

And now all of this with respect too time and fate. Which event or fatal moment happened and in which order to make all this happen? Well we are still lead back to the 815 crash as the starting point for all this. Some sort of time loop is suggested here as LOST shows how time is connected. By Messages can be sent through time as Locke's message to Richard and Richard traveling to the hospital to see John. These action imply changing the events in the past and future. Well where does course correction come into play here. I believe that time travel on the island REMAINS on the island. If the island moves in time to let's say 1955 and one was to leave it, would the real world time be 1955 as well?

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