Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LOST: 5x10 He is our You

LOST 5x10:
Initial reactions:
Slow moving but interesting developments in Dharmaville. Its really a Sayid-centric episode that served to understand why Sayid feels his reason is for returning to the island--To Kill ben. (so that Ben and Sun can come to 1977)

Quick thoughts:
1-Jack could operate on child-Ben and save him.

2-Time: Losties can change instances on the island free from destroying their future selves

3-Sawyer was responsible for leaving the rope sticking out of the grond at the well during the time of the 4-toed statue. This gave wayto the somone (presomably Dharma ) by discovering the frozen donkey wheel chanmber by simple digging up the rope in the ground.

4-not much humouror this episode

5- Horace looks scarier and intimidating without glasses

6- Bens hat in Moscow looks rediculous

Favourite line:
1-Sawyer to Juliet as she looks out the window: "What's on the TV?"

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