Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LOST season 5 Episode 4 - The Little Prince

Lost has begun to tie up some loose ends and seem to present some answers directly tied to time travel.

I feel that this episode focussed on a theme of Choice:
-kates choice between Sawyer and Jack.
-Suns choice to go after Ben ( unknowingly put a wrench in the Ben's plat to get the losties back to the island. )

Off to the orchid...
I suppose we will find out what happens at the orhid next episode presumably Locke turns the Donky Wheel beneath the ground and moves the Island back to where it is supposted to be.
My guess is that Lock does turn the wheel at an earlier Island time and this will be the time that "the Island was moved once before". The only new puzzling question is what will happen to Jin?

"Only fools are enslaved by space and time."

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